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Build your own OGC Web Processing Service for geospatial data analysis.

Welcome to Birdhouse

Birdhouse tools enable you to build your own customised OGC compute service in support of web-based geospatial (climate) data analysis.

An OGC compute service has a set of processes with defined input and output parameters. These processes can be executed by a client. For example, a process could run the calclulation of a climate indice or the subsetting of CMIP climate model data.

Birdhouse offers you:

  • A Cookiecutter template to create your own compute service.
  • An Ansible script to deploy a full-stack compute service including a Slurm queuing manager.
  • A web-based application, Phoenix, and ...
  • ... a Python library, Birdy, suitable for Jupyter notebooks to interact with WPS compute services.
  • An OWS security proxy, Twitcher, to provide access control to OGC compute services.

The current (v1.x, legacy) tools support the OGC Web Processing Service (XML) standard using the PyWPS Python implementation.

The new (>v2) tools support OGC API – Processes (json, rest-api) using the pygeoapi Python implementation.

We already have several compute services for climate data analysis, like Rook and Finch.